ARDR is a proprietary PTSD/STRESS technology that was created through the use of ancient healing/wellness frequencies linked to specific audio panoramic intensity manipulation. The orchestrated fundamental frequencies are fully enhanced with proprietary harmonic convergence to energize audio perception and emotional attachment. As an ARDR client, you will receive a restful and highly intensive audio journey and will be exposed to the important wellness properties of ancient
frequencies and complex harmonic structures. Within the first session, we are able to determine the efficacy of the neuro pathways and the intensity of cognitive communication. The information is easily garnered through simple conversation with you, the client, as you relate to your listening experience. Key observations and experiences presented by you will relay the important elements that will guide me in initiating the treatment protocol.
traditional EMDR visual focus. In doing so this creates cognizance to opposing brain hemispheres. Transitional audio movement (panning) ranges from 5 to 10 seconds with fixed placement and durations of 10, 15 and 20 seconds for further movement of the composition. Note that the extreme placements require longer durations and amplitude increases for greater neuro pathway stimulus. Within the first 12 minutes we will determine the basic efficiency of the neuro pathways and the communication of the hemispheres. At this point we will then assess how we will proceed with further sessions.
To the listener, the orchestral sound travel and signal placement, replicates the hand movement visualization and tapping found in EMDR (eye movement desensitization reprocessing) which is a fully voluntary therapy. ARDR initiates a reflex stimulation through the auditory system which is involuntary and is creatively designed as a positive and pleasing musical composition utilizing panning or sound movement technology. Each ARDR program is 12 minutes in duration and multiple programs may be used during a session. The technology moves the sound composition from left ear to right ear, which stimulates the brain’s hemispheres much like the
Success to date has delt mainly with childhood abuse and abandonment, self-esteem issues, rape and physical abuse, brain injuries, drug and alcohol addiction, corporate stress, fear of illness and various stress related personal anxiety and concerns.